Does BeReal Show Retakes If You Close the App?
No, BeReal does not show the retakes if you close the application. The retake count for your photo will only be increased if you leave the app open and choose the retake option. If you decide that you do not like the photo you have taken and close the application, your retake count will not be increased. The act of closing the application before the photo process is complete will cause the BeReal application to disregard the photo you have taken and not add it to your retake count. Closing the application after taking a picture you aren’t happy with is the easiest way to get around the retake count. The retake count is put in place to let other users of the application know how many times you took the picture before you were happy with it. Because the whole point of BeReal is to take spontaneous and un-doctored photos of yourself, too many retakes are not in the spirit of the application. BeReal uses the retake count as a way to deter people from retaking the photo too many times. This keeps BeReal from being just another social media application where users post heavily doctored pictures of themselves. That being said, the retake count is easily manipulated and worked around. As previously mentioned, all you need to do to avoid having your retake count increase is to exit the application after taking a picture you are not happy with. This will cause the upload process to not be completed properly and be disregarded. Using this method, you can take as many retakes as you wish and simply close the application till you take one that satisfies you.
Can You See How Many Times Someone Retook BeReal?
Yes, you can see how many times someone has used a retake on the BeReal application. You must have at least ten friends on the BeReal application to be able to view this information. Once you have ten friends on the BeReal application, you can view someone’s retake count by clicking on the three-dotted lines located next to the post. This will bring up information regarding the post, including the retake count for that photo. You should keep in mind that people could have been using some of the methods contained in this guide to stop their retake count from increasing. This makes this number not quite as reliable for a factual count of the number of retakes actually used. You will, however, have access to the count that BeReal has a record of. Using this method, you can view the retake count for any photo on the BeReal application as long as you have ten friends added. If you do not have ten friends added, this information will not be available to you for viewing.
Can People See How Many Times You Retook Your BeReal?
Yes, people can see how many times you have used a retake on the BeReal application. They must have at least ten friends on the BeReal application to be able to view this information. Once they have ten friends on the BeReal application, they can view your retake count by clicking on the three-dotted lines located next to the post. This will bring up information regarding the post, including the retake count for that photo. That being said, if you have been using any of the methods in this list to keep your retake count from increasing, they will not have access to the actual number of times that you have retaken the photo. They will, however, have access to the count that BeReal has a record of. Using this method, they can view the retake count for any photo on the BeReal application as long as they have ten friends added. If they do not have ten friends added, this information will not be available to you for viewing.
Does BeReal Say How Many Times You Retook Your BeReal?
Yes, BeReal has a built-in retake count that will automatically increase whenever you retake a photo on the application. Because the BeReal application is focused on providing a more grounded social media experience, it uses this feature to call out users who are not posting spontaneous photos as intended. People can view your retake count after adding then friends to the application. Once they have added ten friends, they will be able to view your retake count for your photos using the three-dot icon located next to your post. Once they click this icon, they will be presented with information about the post including the number of times it has been retaken. If you wish to keep your retake count from increasing, you should consider using some of the methods provided later in this guide. This will keep your retake count from going up while allowing you to pick the best picture to upload.
Can Someone See If You Have Retaken Your BeReal More Than Once?
Yes, people can see how many times you have used a retake on the BeReal application. They must have at least ten friends on the BeReal application to be able to view this information. This will make it easy to see if you have used a retake on a photo more than once. The retake count will grow by one every time that you use a retake for that post. If the users view this number and it is more than one, they will be able to see exactly how many times you have used a retake for that photo. Once they have ten friends on the BeReal application, they can view your retake count by clicking on the three-dotted lines located next to the post. This will bring up information regarding the post, including the retake count for that photo. That being said, if you have been using any of the methods in this list to keep your retake count from increasing, they will not have access to the actual number of times that you have retaken the photo. They will, however have access to the count that BeReal has a record of. Using this method, they can view the retake count for any photo on the BeReal application as long as they have ten friends added. If they do not have ten friends added, this information will not be available to you for viewing.
How to Retake BeReal Many Times Without Anyone Knowing?
The next part of this guide will focus on the different ways that you can retake a BeReal photo without anyone knowing. You should use one of these methods if you wish to use the retake function on the BeReal application without adding to your retake count.
1. Close the App and Reopen It After Taking It; when You Open the App Again, You Should Be Able to Retake Your BeReal Without BeReal Registering It
You should close the application and reopen it after taking a photo that you wish to retake. This will cause the BeReal application to not register the retake properly and act as if you did not take the photo to begin with. All you have to do is close the application before the upload process is complete and it will not be successfully registered by the BeReal application. You can use this method as often as you need to. This will keep your retake count low for all your posts.
2. Restart Your Phone After the First Failed Attempt
You could also consider restarting your phone after the first failed attempt. This will also cause the BeReal application to not register the retake properly. Once you have restarted your phone and entered back into the BeReal application, you will find that your retake count has not increased. You should ensure that you restart your phone before the upload process is complete. This will keep your retake from being registered and allow you to keep a low retake count on all of your posts. You can get the same effect from simply exiting the application. If for some reason exiting the application is not working for keeping your retake count low, you should consider restarting your device.
3. Clear the Apps Cache
How you clear your BeReal cache will depend on the type of device that you are currently using to access the application. The list below will walk you through the process for popular mobile devices and web browsers that are most commonly used to access BeReal.
- If you are using Google Chrome to access BeReal, you will first need to click the three dots at the top right corner of your screen. This will bring up a menu where you can find the More Tools tab.
- In the More Tools tab, you will find the option to Clear Browsing Data. Click this option and choose the All-Time option. Finally, check the Cached Images & Files box and click Clear Data. This will successfully clear your BeReal cache in Google Chrome.
- If you are using Firefox, you will first need to open the Firefox menu at the top of the screen. Navigate to the History tab, and you will find the option to Clear Recent History.
- Click on Clear Recent History and approve the clearing of Everything and check the Cache box. Once this has been done, click Clear Now, and you will have successfully deleted your BeReal cache on Firefox.
- If you are using an Android device to access BeReal, you will need to open your device’s Settings menu and then open the Apps menu. In the Apps menu, you will see the BeReal application. Tap into the BeReal application menu and select Storage.
- In the Storage menu, you will find the option to clear all of your cache data related to the real application.
- If you are on an iPhone, you simply need to delete the BeReal application from your device and reinstall it to successfully clear the cache. After you have successfully cleared your BeReal cache, the location issues that you are experiencing have a good chance of being automatically resolved. Keep in mind that these files will immediately begin to be replaced by new cache files. You should consider clearing your cache periodically as it begins to grow larger in size.
Final Thoughts
This guide has provided you with all of the information that you need to better understand the retake count on the BeReal application. Using the information provided in this guide, you now know whether or not the retake count will increase if you exit the BeReal application. As this guide indicates, exiting out of the application before the photo upload process is complete will cause the BeReal application to be unable to properly register any retakes that you have used. This will allow you to keep your retake count low for all of the photos that you post on the BeReal application. This guide has also provided some other ways that you can keep your retake count low on the BeReal application. You should use this information whenever you wish to retake a photo on the BeReal application but do not wish to increase your retake count for the post. Since BeReal is focused on an authentic and grounded social media experience, the more retakes you have, the less authentic and spontaneous that you look to other people on the application. This is the main reason for keeping your retake count low on the posts you make on the application. Using the methods in this guide can help ensure that you keep your retake count to an acceptable level for you.